Webinar Info

This series of workshops addresses antimicrobials, including disinfectants.

The agenda for the Thirteenth Antimicrobial Workshop was robust as ever touching on the latest developments that are critical to the manufacture, distribution, and sales of disinfectant products:

  • State of the EPA Antimicrobial Division and Registration Review
  • Residual Claims of Efficacy
  • CDC Policies on Emerging Pathogens including COVID-19
  • COVID-19 Emergency Policies for Disinfectant Registration and Amendments
  • Electrostatic Sprayer Guidance by EPA
  • Antimicrobial Performance Evaluation Program
  • International Trends
  • EPA Design for the Environment Program for Antimicrobials

Dates of previous webinars

  • March 24: State of the Antimicrobial Division; Registration Review; Residual Efficacy
  • March 31: Impact of COVID-19 on Public Policy & Industry Supply Chains
  • April 7: OECD Quantitative Method; Legionella Protocol; APEP & Reduced Animal Testing
  • April 14: International Trends and Trade Developments
  • April 21: EPA Design for the Environment for Antimicrobials; Green Seal Standard for Hand Sanitizers; Antimicrobial Exposure Assessment Task Force

Purchase Price:
Members $295
Non-members $295

During the past 34 years, the California Air Resources Board (CARB), 17 additional state agencies, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), have developed a complex set of volatile organic compound (VOC) limits and related enforcement provisions affecting consumer and institutional products.

Failure to understand these regulations results in millions of dollars in fines each year paid by product manufacturers, and sometimes retailers. To help product manufacturers understand air quality regulations, and to assist retailers in knowing what products they can sell in various states, experts from the Household and Commercial Products Association (HCPA) developed a three-part webinar series outlining current regulations and explaining how companies can determine whether a product formulation complies with applicable state and federal VOC limits.  Specifically, the webinars will:

  • Provide a comprehensive overview of state and federal clean air VOC regulations affecting consumer products.
  • Provide an understanding of the complex considerations needed to assure product compliance.
  • Assist product manufacturers in working with distributors and retailers to assure compliance.

Each webinar in the series will be 90 minutes with time for live questions and answers.

Webinar #1, “Regulated Consumer Product Categories & Limits”

Webinar #2, “Regulated Consumer Product Categories & Limits”

Webinar #3, “Determining Formula Compliance”, please find the recording below.

Webinar #4, “Photochemical Reactivity, International Obligations, and a Look Ahead” 

Purchase Price:
Members $200
Non-members $350

Part 1: 

Since the start of the pandemic, EPA has increased its focus on pesticide devices, particularly those that make claims related to microbes. The agency’s increasingly aggressive exercise of authority over devices like air purifiers, water filters, UV lights, and similar devices has caused significant disruption and confusion in the industry. In this session we review the regulatory requirements applicable to pesticide devices at the federal and state level, and we examine the current enforcement environment facing manufacturers, importers and distributors of devices. We also discuss recent developments in the regulation of devices in Canada.

Followed by a Q&A session

Part 2: 

Navigating the 25 (b) and State Pesticide Registration Map
Update on state pesticide regulatory activity for both EPA-registered and minimum risk pesticides.  Experts from a variety of perspectives will provide information and updates to better prepare attendees for navigating the states.

  • Regulatory Perspective
  • HCPA Perspective
  • Industry Perspective
  • Q&A – 30 minutes

Part 3: 

Hot Topics in the Post COVID World

  • Enforcement
  • Emergency Exemptions
  • EPA’s Focus on Specific Labelling Statements
  • Public Disclosure and Transparency – Data Matrices

Recap with the Experts

  • Open floor to participants to ask questions

Purchase Price:
Members $250
Non-members $395

Stay ahead of the regulatory curve!  Purchase the Cleaning Products:  A Regulatory Update, (webinar) covering the latest regulatory issues that impact the manufacture, packaging, marketing and sale of household and commercial cleaning products.  This was a one-of-a-kind program, presented by ISSA and HCPA, features the following hot topics that will impact your business for years to come:

  • Federal and State Regulation of 1,4 Dioxane
  • Compliance Waiver for New York Limits on 1,4 Dioxane
  • Sustainable Packaging
  • Electrostatic Sprayer Guidance
  • The State of Ingredient Disclosure
  • OSHA Proposed Revisions to Hazard Communication Standard
  • Update on State VOC Regulations

Purchase Price:
Members $150
Non-members $350

Volunteer members of the Household & Commercial Products Association (HCPA) have compiled critical information contained in the Aerosol Propellants: Considerations for Effective Handling in the Aerosol Plant and Laboratory Manual for the convenience of its members and the aerosol industry. This manual contains information on propellants shipping, receiving, storage, and handling; compressed and soluble gas propellants; location and construction, ventilation, gas detection, electrical equipment, piping systems, fire prevention and control in propellant charging and pump rooms; disposal of rejected aerosol containers; and laboratory safety. Essentially, basic safety needed by all aerosol product manufacturers and laboratories. HCPA is proud to bring together volunteer speakers to share their expertise on each section of the manual in this webinar series format. The webinar series is for both beginners and those that need a refresher on the safety aspects of propellants in an aerosol facility or laboratory.

Purchase Price:
Members $245
Non-members $445

This webinar series featured a high-level overview of:
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
Speaker: Joel Wolf, Chief, Existing Chemicals Branch, US EPA
“Overview of TSCA”

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Speaker: Elizabeth Erdman, CPSC
“Overview of the CPSC – Overview of current priorities – Dive into FHSA details”

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Speaker: Julia Solomon Ensor, Attorney, Division of Enforcement, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission “Overview of the FTC – Dive into “Made in America” labeling – Overview and discussion on Green Guides”

Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
“Overview of OSHA”

Purchase Price:
Members $99
Non-members $175

First Series:
Introduction, Bryan Parrish, The Clorox Company
Advanced Fabric Care, Mark Ventura, Church & Dwight

  • Laundry Detergents, Household Fabric Softeners & Polymers for Fabric Care Applications

Advanced Hard Surface Cleaning Products, Marcos Alonso, Stepan Company

  • Solvents in Cleaners & Formulating Acidic and Alkaline Cleaners

Second Series:
Advanced Dishwashing Products, Scott Backer, Dow

  • Formulating Manual Dishwashing Liquids
  • Formulation Automatic Dishwashing Detergents and Boosters and Rinse Aids

Formulating Antimicrobial Hard Surface Cleaners, Bryan Parrish, The Clorox Company

  • Product Targets, Formulation Development & Product Testing

Recent Chemical Developments, Owen Caine, HCPA

  • Ingredient Communication & 1,4 Dioxane

Third Series:
Fragrancing Cleaning Products, Joseph Brain, International Flavors & Fragrances

  • Technical Aspects and Trend Considerations

Preservatives in the Cleaning Products Industry, Mrudula Srikanth, The Clorox Company and Jeff Van Komen, The Procter & Gamble Company

  • Why Preservatives Are Needed & Where Are We Going As An Industry With Preservatives

Wrap Up, Andrea Mojica, HCPA

Purchase Price:
Members $200
Non-members $350

Part 4: Reviewing Product Label and Website Claims

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is planning future regulatory action to expand the definition of the term product label to include product claims on company-owned websites.  CARB has indicated that this future regulatory action will be based on existing FDA and EPA’s FIFRA guidance documents.

This webinar will provide an overview of the FDA and EPA guidance on advertising and marketing claims on websites and social media platforms.


  • Michael Boucher, Partner, Crowell & Moring
  • John Fuson, Partner, Crowell & Moring

Part 5: Environmental Marketing and Ecolabelling

Highlighting the environmental benefits of a product is a way to distinguish it from others in the marketplace.  With so many products claiming “green” attributes, it’s difficult for consumers and workers to trust all that they hear.  Ecolabels offer a voluntary standardized method of environmental certification that the public can trust.  During this webinar, experts will discuss how you can differentiate your products in the market.


  • Monica Becker, Director, Beauty, Personal & Household Products, Cradle to Cradle Certified
  • Joseph Dages, Associate, Steptoe & Johnson LLP

Part 6: Creating a Label that Complies with Both SB258 and Prop-65

The California Cleaning Product Right to Know Act (also known as SB 258) required companies that manufacture, sell, and distribute cleaning products to disclose certain ingredients on the label by January 1, 2021.  However, intentionally added ingredients that are known to the state of California to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity are not required to be listed on the product label until January 1, 2023.  With the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) proposing to amend the labeling requirement for Prop 65, experts will explain how you can avoid modifying the same label multiple times over the next couple of years.


  • Peg Carew Toledo, Counsel, Arnold & Porter
  • David Barnes, Associate, Arnold & Porter

Purchase Price:
Members $200
Non-members $350

Part 1: Sustainable Marketing Claims: What to Say and How to Say It
As companies grapple with how to convey information on ingredients and their uses to consumers, they enter a potential legal minefield of marketing claims. In Part 1 of the webinar series, JC Walker (Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP) will review the legal history of marketing claims and offer advice about how to best avoid legal problems with how you market your products.

Part 2: SB 258 and Prop 65: An Emerging Conflict?
Part 2 of the series will examine the interaction between SB 258 and Prop 65 interact when it comes to labeling products. These two laws each have specific requirements when it comes to labeling, possibly creating pitfalls for the regulation and marketing of consumer products. Before companies settle on their California labels for next January, Peg Carew Toledo (Counsel, Arnold & Porter LLP) will describe potential conflicts between SB 258 and Prop 65, review recent legal developments, and identify emerging issues for companies to consider before January 2021.

Part 3: Creating a New Label: Compliance, Marketing, or Both?
In Part 3 of the webinar series, attendees will hear from a practitioner of label design and compliance on some of the tricks of the trade and how best to visually comply with new label requirements from SB 258. Information can be portrayed in any number of ways, and consumers respond better to some ways better than others.

Purchase Price:
Members $200
Non-members $350

Fragrance is an important component of almost every consumer product.  Fragrance encourages proper product use, covers base malodors, and creates a mechanism for product manufacturers and marketers to differentiate between brands and products.

For the past 30 years, the two-percent fragrance exemption in the California Air Resources Board (CARB) General Consumer Products Regulation has allowed product formulators to include a de minimis level of fragrance in products that provided much-needed flexibility to comply with CARB’s increasingly stringent volatile organic compound (VOC) regulatory standards and meet the expectations of the end-user.

However, in the most recent amendment to the General Consumer Products Regulation, CARB will be sunsetting the two-percent fragrance exemption, which will impact almost all regulated consumer products.  In this webinar, HCPA will cover the critical details that manufacturers and marketers will need to know to navigate compliance with CARB’s VOC regulation for consumer products, the limited exemption that will replace the two-percent fragrance exemption for certain product categories, and how the modifications impact fragrances containing monoterpenes.


  • Steve Bennett, Executive Vice President, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs, HCPA
  • Nicholas Georges, Senior Vice President, Scientific & International Affairs, HCPA
  • Carrie Brown, Manager, Regulatory Affairs, HCPA

Webinar Fee:

  • Members: $49
  • Non-Members: $99

Whether you’re new to the cleaning industry or looking for a refresher, HCPA’s Cleaning Products Fundamentals webinar series will explore the basics of product formulation for household and I&I applications. Topics will cover surfactant types, builders, solvents, additives, household and I&I formulations, green cleaning/sustainability, product evaluation/test methods, and regulations.

First Series: 

  • Introduction to Cleaning Products
  • Session 1: Surfactant Types
    • Marcos Alonso, Research Chemist, Stepan Company
  • Session 2: Ingredient Builders
    • Art Sutton, Technical Service Specialist, BASF Corporation
  • Session 3: Solvents
    • Afia Karikari, Technical Service & Development Scientist, Dow Chemical

Second Series: 

  • Session 5: Household Formulations
    • Bryan Parrish, Research Fellow – Cleaning Innovation, The Clorox Company
  • Session 6: Test Methods
    • Dana Mladin, Sr. Laboratory Technical Specialist, Dell Tech Laboratories Ltd.

Third Series: 

  • Session 7: I&I Formulations
    • Amber Rumple, Principal Scientist, Diversey
  • Session 8: Green Cleaning
    • Joe Scheblein, Lead Application Scientist, Croda Inc.
  • Session 9: Regulatory Considerations
    • Lisa Dreilinger, Senior Director, Regulatory & Government Affairs, Reckitt
    • Amanda Landolt, Regulatory Manager, Reckitt

Webinar Fee:

  • Members: $200
  • Non-Members: $350

Please select the webinar you wish to purchase and HCPA will send you an invoice that you can pay. After payment, the webinars will be sent electronically with instructions on how to view them.

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