Michael Gruber

Phone: 202-872-8110
Email: mgruber@thehcpa.org
Michael Gruber serves as Executive Vice President of Government Relations & Public Policy. As part of the executive leadership team, Mike will further strengthen and help drive HCPA’s presence, influence, and effectiveness across the federal and state legislative and regulatory landscapes. In this position, Mike will leverage his bi-partisan Capitol Hill and state experience to lead the Association’s advocacy efforts.
Gruber previously served as vice president, public policy, at the Consumer Brands Association where he was responsible for shaping policy positions for state and federal advocacy initiatives to advance “smart regulations” for the consumer packaged goods industry. Since joining the Consumer Brands Association (formerly, Grocery Manufacturers Association) in 2012, Gruber helped drive enactment of the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard, lead federal legislative advocacy for the regulatory implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act, provided leadership on state packaging sustainability legislation, and engagement support on federal and state chemicals management rules.
In addition, Michael contributed to the development and growth of SmartLabel™, the leading digital consumer transparency platform shaping federal and state ingredient disclosure policies. In 2014, he coordinated funding and directed victorious ballot measure campaigns in Colorado and Oregon to prevent a patchwork of state labeling laws.
Prior to his arrival at GMA, Gruber was a senior policy adviser to the House Energy & Commerce Committee where he managed budget and spending-related matters with the Congressional Budget Office, House Committee on Appropriations, House Leadership, and the Budget Committee. His role with the committee included oversight activities on federal chemical security regulations, consumer protection policy and energy initiatives.
Michael served as chief of staff, appropriations associate staff to the House Appropriations Committee, and legislative director to Representative Tom Latham of Iowa. During his tenure with Latham, he helped enact spending bills for every corner of the federal government. Michael arrived in D.C. in 1994, after serving as field director for George Nethercutt’s victorious campaign against Speaker of the House Tom Foley. He later served Congressman Nethercutt as a legislative assistant, district director and re-election campaign manager.
Gruber also worked as senior account executive for gabbegroup, a New York City based corporate public relations firm. In addition, he served as a director of federal affairs at Conkling, Fiskum & McCormick, a Portland, Oregon based public affairs firm.
Michael lives on Capitol Hill with his spouse, Gretchen Lamberg, two teenage children, and a couple of ill-tempered rescue dogs.