Event Info
HCPA is pleased to announce the continuation of its professional development series with “The Consumer Product Safety Commission from A to Z…and Beyond.” This full-day conference, held at the brand new AC Hotel in Downtown Bethesda, will provide participants with a thorough understanding of the regulations administered by the US Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC).
This conference is aimed at individuals with varying degrees of familiarity or experience with the CPSC. Since the passage of the Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act in 2008, there are various regulatory requirements affecting the consumer specialty products industry and this program will give you the opportunity to hear directly from Commission staff on how these requirements affect your business. Such issues will include labeling requirements under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA) and elements of the Poison Prevention Packaging Act. The conference will also feature industry experts discussing and providing updates on international consumer products regulations such as the Global Harmonized System (GHS) of chemical classification.